GIL - Granules India Limited
GIL stands for Granules India Limited
Here you will find, what does GIL stand for in Organization under Medical category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Granules India Limited? Granules India Limited can be abbreviated as GIL What does GIL stand for? GIL stands for Granules India Limited. What does Granules India Limited mean?The pharmaceuticals medical organization is located in Hyder?b?d, Telangana, India.
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Alternative definitions of GIL
- Gilgit airport
- Gildan Activewear, Inc.
- Gammon India Ltd
- Gabriel India Limited
- Graphite India Ltd.
- Gamut Infosystems Limited
- Garg Inox Ltd
View 77 other definitions of GIL on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- GECDSB Greater Essex County District School Board
- GAFG Global Atlantic Financial Group
- GFB Georgia Farm Bureau
- GEDC Great Expressions Dental Centers
- GHP Geisinger Health Plan
- GUMC Georgetown University Medical Center
- GHC Gesundheit Health Centre
- GLHECA Great Lakes Higher Education Corporation and Affiliates
- GRS The Government of Republic of Slovenia
- GTC Gwinnett Technical College
- GEIP GE Intelligent Platforms
- GIL Gabriel India Limited
- GOGC Genesis Oil and Gas Consultants
- GDS Government Digital Service
- GSH Good Samaritan Hospital
- GP The Guinness Partnership
- GDHR Georgia Department of Human Resources
- GHS Genesis Healthcare System
- GH Govt. of Haryana